Almost over...

School years is almost over, and  that means that my time in junior high is coming into an end. If you asked me three yeAars ago, I would have been excited of the idea o going to high school, since I had the stereotypical idea from t.v . But now, I have this rare mixture of emotions that I didnt knew I could feel. I  feel nervous , indifference and excited about it. I feel nervous since I  am going to a mew place with strangers, the routine I have been doing will change abruptly. Indifferent because this is a change imposible to skip, and somehow I have accepted my fate ( not completely). And excited since this is a new beggining to forget all the bad things I have gone through.

 Even though all of that, I will miss my friends, since we have been through a lot of things, good and bad. With all the things we have been through, I could say they are like a second family.  We laugh, we fight but we always find a way to get out from problems.

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love you 3000 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


  1. nice you are a good person and good luck

  2. I love you 3000 fishi, i'll miss you a lot. Thank you for this 11 years supporting me and being my friend.

  3. Thanks for the special moments, Fishy, I know that you are going to do it great on high school


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